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Thu, 11 Mar 2004 06:45:49 -0500
"Lisa P." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
>From:    "S.Hewett" <[log in to unmask]>
>I would be very interested to know if there were any reactions to
>distemper vaccines before the ferret-specific vaccines were available.
Before the ferret-specific vaccines I had 2 ferrets (male and female) who
would have very bad reactions.  Both would projectile vomit and wouldn't
be able to stop without vet intervention.  It's why, even now, I stay at
the vet's at least one hour after their shots.  I still do it with the
ferret-specific vaccine and rabies.  I live in Massachusetts and the vet
is in New Hampshire, an hour away, so I don't want to be halfway home
when a reaction hits.
I decided last year since my reaction-prone ferrets were no longer having
reactions with the new vaccine that I would give both shots, distemper
and rabies, at the same time.  BIG MISTAKE!  I will never do that again.
Both ferrets within 10 minutes had reactions, one just vomited and the
other vomited and had diarrhea.  Unfortunately for me I was holding him
in my lap at the time.  It looked like _I_ had the accident. <G>  It's
back to giving the shots 2 weeks apart.  And the one that only vomited
never had a reaction to the old vaccine before which I found interesting.
And just recently I had one ferret have a reaction to a rabies vaccine.
This was a first for her and a little surprising at her age of 4 1/2
[This post copied to Shirley who replies in this same FML.]
[Posted in FML issue 4449]