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Tue, 27 Jan 2004 10:15:18 -0000
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Ok--it was Mommy's fault dat my info about Bear wasnt posted.  Seems she
got carried away with her new treadmill after her doctor (sort of like a
vet for humans) told her not to do it, but Mommy did it anyway and with
the pinched nerve Mommy went to bed and laid flat on her back for two
days--way to go Mommy (NOT).
Anyway I met this ferret dude (I'm learning to talk cool) named Bear as
he was crossing de bridge.  He gasped when he saw me (he told me later he
had thought he went to de other place--very funny (NOT).  Well, I guess
it was quite a shock to see a girl ferret all dressed up in safari garb
and with the topee and the bent halo on her head and the rather dusty but
with no bent wings meeting you dere.  I told him dat de usual greeter
Sandee was sooooo busy with getting de other ferrets fixed up I was de
substitute.  He said he was relieved.  I told him tact was not his forte
(I have also learned some big words here).
However in spite of that after we decided to be friends and I forcefully
had to restrain myself from taking a bite from his bod, we decided that
we would checkout the best place for him to stay--he really wanted to be
wit de furries from his family so off we went.  SOmetimes it just amazes
me where some of des furries go.  One was hanging out on a cloud and
another was under some mango trees and others were just hanging out in
hammocks strung from clouds.  Okay-now I asked dem all if dey wanted a
place together.  Oh wow, they said we sure do--so we hunted and hunted
for a perfect new home for all de family--up clouds over clouds-one didnt
like one place, the other ones did, and on and on.  So finally I says I
know just de place.  THere is a cute and nice little hideway between the
kibbles garage and de fruit bar and around Bob's soup pot which really
smells nasty when cooking but doesnt taste too bad when done.  THis was
just perfect.  Hammies were restrung and Bear got his halo on just right
and his wings strapped on.  He looked just like a perfect ferret angel.
So in spite of all, everyone is happy and I am like exhausted.
I told Mommy dat she should tell de fmlers dat I will check on der
ferrets dat have been here a while and also I will venture where no other
ferrets dare to go, cat and dog areas--I know how to take care of dem.
So if you is worried about your angeled animals of any species except
fish--I dont know where dey are, let Mommy know and she will pass it on
to me during our twilight visit.
Poor Mommy has made a big mistake.  Seems dat she saw dis ad in de paper
for a free ferret.  A free ferret--what is de matter with him.
She calls up and makes another mistake telling them she is an experienced
ferret mommy.  So she goes over dere and dere are kids and dogs and cats
all in four rooms and 1 thin ferret in a bird cage.  She tells Mommy
that dis ferret is named Zeus and he is one year old and gives her some
walmart cat food and a broken harness.  Oh well free is free and Mommy
figures hey if she could handle me she could handle any ferret.  First of
all change of name to Mickey Mouse.  He is a blonde, but has changed
colors now with dark guard hairs--sort of a strawberry blonde.  Mommy is
overjoyed with her new baby.  Finds my old cage and puts him in it.  Also
seems dat Mickey never learned how to climb ladders as she had him in de
cage with de other boys and he fell all the way down.  OOPS!!.  He is
full of joy having other ferrets except for one who has brain damage and
tried to kill him.  Den Mommy takes him to vet next day.  Bad move.
Mommy held Mickey while doctor takes temp in you know where and den stab
and den ears meds--you got it--has ear mites.  New epidemic in house--
Mommy sees money leaving purse directly to vet--waves byebye to money.
Takes him home (only one shot today-seems vets do learn dat two shots may
kill ferrets or make dem sick like de killer ferret--I'll tell dat story
tomorrow.  Mickey decided he no longer wanted to be in cage and when
Mommy insisted he ripped Mommy;s hands to shreds-OUCH!  did same thing to
Daddy--he was not a happy camper as he thinks Mommy is slightly crazy for
wanting ferrets.  Now Mommy has a plan and it works --when its bedtime
for chomper Mickey a towel is put over his head and before he knows
it-he's back in the slammer.  Mommy does learn a few things from having
had 10 furries
So until tomorrow when we will continue the sage of my broken Mommy,
bye all
Love and dooks
Sara Ferret and Her BLoodStained Bandage wrapped Mommy
[Posted in FML issue 4406]