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Tue, 2 Dec 2003 06:13:32 -0800
Marian Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (122 lines)
Hi everyone,
My name is JoJo.  I'm over 11/2 but not 2 yet.  Momma says we elected my
birthday for January 9th.  So I'll be 2 then.
My momma is helping me write this because I don't know how to type yet
(although I try!).  Momma says she's happy to do it.
I have had a GREAT day!  It started out about 3 this morning, when I went
to my tent in momma and daddy's room.  Momma has a tent (just my size)
set up on the floor right next to her.  She even gave me her teddy bear
that she loves so much.  I love sleeping with him.  We hug each other and
keep each other warm.
By the way, I have 2 daddies, a momma and a grandma.  My first daddy is
momma's son and my other daddy is momma's other half.  I also have 4 cats
that I have to live with and a dog outside.  I like the dog (Whitney)....
She's nice.  I don't care for them cats though!  One of them scratched my
eye about a year ago, just because I was trying to play with him!  I
kinda can get along with 2 of the cats, but I chase the others because
they are mean.
Grandma is the one that buys me all the new toys!  I was scared she
wouldn't like me when we first moved here.  She was afraid to tell
grandpa I was coming with momma and daddies.  But I made Grandpa happy
the last few months he was alive and I keep grandma happy now.
Grandma bought me this litter called "Yesterday's News." Personally, I
don't care to poop in it.  I drug it all out of my box because I don't
like it.  I DO like to play in it though!  Momma got an idea and put it
in a short box with a lid on it and now I get to play in it!  It's lots
of fun burrowing through it.
Anyway, back to why I'm writing.  I just wanted to tell you how it is to
be in MY life.  This is my typical day:
After the tent........About 5 this morning, I had to potty so I went to
the box that momma has for me in the bathroom.  It's lucky for me that
momma has bedding for me in there too, because I was too tired to make it
back to my tent.  I stayed in my bed in the bathroom until daddy took his
shower.  I always try to get in the shower with daddy but the ledge to
the bathtub is too high.  (Sometimes momma puts me in with him!) I
couldn't get in so I waited for daddy to get out so I could help "dry"
Then is was nap time---in the bathroom.
When I got up again, it was time to have fun!  I started out by playing
on momma and daddy's bed.  I love the way I spring back up when I bounce.
Momma wonders what I'd be like on a waterbed (LOL).
Then it was time for playing in the trash.  I managed to knock over 6
trash cans and spread the trash everywhere!  On to the bathroom.  Potty
again.  Oh boy!  There's a toilet bowl brush just begging for me to play
with it!  Momma put it back a couple of times, but I kept finding
it----hehehe.  Momma finally took away my fun when she put it on top of
a cupboard.
Well, it was off to work then.  I had to "help" momma put dishes away and
load the dishwasher.  She took it away from me too soon though, I wasn't
done!  She made up for it by giving me a cheeto.  I LOVE CHEETO'S!
Momma is one of them people that recycle.....I was off to the can
can....hehehe.....If I try hard enough I can find some stale beer in
there!  I love that stale beer, but momma don't like the cans all over
the floor....what's a guy to do?
Momma and daddy were working on the fire next.  Of course I wanted to
help but I learned a little bit ago that fire is HOT, so I tried to keep
momma company but also escorted daddy from the door to where we keep the
wood inside.
Oh Boy!  Laundry!  I got to play in the washer before momma loaded it.
She has one of them front loaders so it was easy to get in.  Momma kept
pulling me out, so I finally decided to just "help" load the clothes.
Momma wasn't done, but she decided to take a break.  This is good for me!
Time to play!  Momma got my tube down---it's about 12 or 14 foot long!  I
love running through it!  Then she got my paper grocery sack, a couple of
my plastic ones, and all of my toys (I stole them from the cats).  I had
a blast!  Momma was even on the floor playing with me.
I got tired so I decided to go back to my cage....of course, I had to
move my litter box again.  When will momma learn where I want it?  After
I was done moving my things to where I wanted them, it was time to curl
up under MY bathrobe.  I thought I'd be there until morning, but daddy
woke me up coming in the front door.  It's time to play again!  I just
got done playing in my "Yesterday's News".  I think I'm still tired
though, so I'm off to my robe until morning.....or when grandma gets
home!  hehehe
P.S. I don't understand why you people get so mad at us for going in
corners.  Would you rather it be in the middle of the floor?
P.P.S. Why won't momma let me go outside without her?
P.P.P.S.  I like my cat food.  Momma has tried to get me to eat ferret
food and I don't like it.  I leave the ferret food in the bowl when she
mixes it.  She thinks she's smart, but I'm smarter!
P.P.P.P.S.  Ok, the doctor says I'm overweight.  Momma wants to know what
a ferret is supposed to weigh.  The doc says I weigh 561 grams.  I know I
have a big belly and I think that if I'm overweight, I can exercise to
get rid of it.  BTW, I know this stuff (FerretVite) is supposed to help
you gain weight, but I got hooked on it when I had to take meds (momma
mixed my meds in it).  I LOVE FerretVite!  All momma has to do is show
me the container and I'm going nuts!
Okay....Momma wants to talk.
From Marian:
Hi all.  I live in Albuquerque and am looking for a playmate for JoJo.  I
checked the shelters here a while back but none were adopting out.  If
there is anyone semi-close that needs a home for their babies, please let
me know.
MarianSue & JoJo
[Posted in FML issue 4350]