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Wed, 24 Sep 2003 12:42:59 EDT
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>I am forced to interject here regarding the definition of "Pooflingers."
>The name pretty much says it all.  Check it out for yourselves folks,
>log on and watch the poo fly.  AND if you happen to be the one they are
>flinging poo upon and you try to defend yourself, you will quickly
>become barred.
Once again, Kim you are showing your true colors.  Be careful of your
words of something which you know absolutely nothing about.  Seems like
you do that a lot lately.  You may have "supporters" of your petty
nonsense who actually believe in you.  But once again, you neglect that
the statements made were in regard to your complaining about the supposed
"car wash."  Funny it seems as things are tried on your part to make
yourself look angelic when in fact you or anyone else for that matter who
has a proposed idea for making money for donations to the shelters (note:
I said shelters not just Rocky's) has never felt the need to wait for a
As far as Pooflingers go, I must say that I am proud to be a member of a
board where the poo is flung where EVERYONE is entitled to voice their
opinion.  Is it after all Poo-flingers (we fling poo-lots of it everyday,
geez we have fuzzies) or Poof-lingers?  Post are only deleted when a
poster has become flagrent with abusive language towards another member.
If you defend yourself, and your words are not wrapped around lies (lies
are always checked out) and those posters who have left willingly or
unwillingly then you are welcome to stay.  I have been at Poofs for
almost three years now.  I have never NOT seen anyone apologize when they
are wrong.  EVERYONE has an equal chance...unlike some other places.
You owe an apology to Barb for you blatant disrespect and slander.  It is
ridiculous that you have sunken so low in "defending" yourself.  I don't
know you from Eve and Im glad.  You have made yourself perfectly clear in
my eyes.
Big, you may think that post such as Tara's and Kim's need to not go any
further.  But the problem is you seem to pull them when no one that Kim
is accusing of anything or slandering has the chance to write back?  You
owe no-one any explanation you just need to be honestly fair.  And from
all the FML post I receive everyday it seems as though it's ended on the
wrong note everytime.  Barb has a right to a head up when someone bashes
her just as you have given other people heads up ... yes that includes
Kim.  It's been very obviously from post that this happens.  For the fact
she has time to respond BEFORE and actually in the same FML as the cross
statement.  I am not intending to disrespect you in any way as I feel you
do the ferret community a great service here.  But, even disagreements
need to be handled fairly.  IT is about Ferrets, as Barbs, Rocky's is
mentioned slanderishly.  Yes, I will stand up for Barb because I
personally know her and know what she does and has done for the ferrets.
Past, present or future there are just some people that deserve defending
and others that just deserve pity.
Just known facts
Leanne B
A PROUD Pooflinger (where everyone has a chance to speak their minds,
defend themselves and receive equal treatment including apologies where
[Posted in FML issue 4281]