Somehow this is mistakenly being aimed at just Marshall Farms kits..
Actually ALL i know was the kits involved from OUR group were Marshall
Farm kits.Except for the 3 there that Dr Burgess treated in our Group,i
have NO IDEA where the other ferrets were from....
No finger pointing any one ferret breeder....just kits sadly infected....
Most likely because more MF are sold is why we saw just them....
No attack on Marshalls intended,period....
As far as the gal informing the pet stores to watch for symptoms it is
with all groups not targeted either at Marshall Farms or private breeder
but ALL..her goal is simply to help by finding an ill kit either at the
Pet Stores or a returned untreated ill kit who has this disease.NOT
breeder specific.
Pet stores selling ferrets are certainly not selling just Marshall Farm
Please do not twist this information given.
Best Wishes,
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4406]