Those of us in San Diego got to test our evacuation plans this week.
Because ferrets are illegal in California it gets tricky evacuating and
going to shelters with our ferrets. Thankfully most ferret owners in
the area keep in touch so we can find a safe haven for our ferrets.
I'd like to discuss at our next meeting about a list of items to have
prepared for an emergency. I believe I've seen the discussion on here
before. Could those of you that have lists either send them to me, or
if the FML is interested we could discuss them?
One of the items I found I lacked in my preparations was important phone
numbers to family and friends.
As far as I know all ferret owners in San Diego have been safe, but we
will update you if anyone has any needs or has lost a home.
Chris K.
Ferrets Anonymous San Diego East County Coordinator
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[Posted in FML issue 4315]