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Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:02:00 EST
Gene Coppage <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I'm brand new to the group and have never asked for help like this
before,so please forgive any mistakes.  My name is Gene and I have a
wife and two children.  I am on full disability w/ a broken back that has
not been fixed yet and my 14 yr old son has a serious heart condition .
We all moved into a new place on dec.22 2003 and we are physically and
mentally exhausted .  Here it is the 15 of Jan.  and we are facing
eviction because our wonderful ferrets are a violation of our lease.
We are at our wits end and don't know what to do.  Faith Hood had asked
me some time ago if I would be able to take some of her older and sick
ferrets we did and they are part of our family and I am not going to give
them back to a shelter .  One of the ferrets we adopted about a year ago
was an awful biter and not very social but I was patient and spent so
much time with her, now fluff kisses my face,snuggles and eats out of my
hand I'm not giving them up!!  Because I'm disabled I have a low monthly
fixed income from Soc.Sec.  of under $600.  dollars so I qualified for
housing asst.  but now because we brought our ferret family with us We
are facing immediate eviction .  My family cannot move again by ourselves
its too much on us , but we all agreed we'd rather be on the streets than
to send our 7 ferrets to their death alone with no family!!  My Phone
number is (540) 341-7575 and again my name is GENE , thank you in
[Posted in FML issue 4394]