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Sat, 25 Oct 2003 11:21:55 EDT
Al Wiebe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Layla (Little Squirt), my eight plus year old sable, went to the Rainbow
Bridge yesterday.  Anyone that has gone through that passage knows the
emotions that are brought forth.  How such a little creature could grab
hold of such a large part of a heart is one of nature's mysteries.
She fought a yearlong battle against adrenal disease and insulinoma but
her vet, Dr. Bob Dahlhausen of Cincinnati, did wonders with her with
Lupron (it worked well for her) and Prednisone for the insulinoma.  Yet,
she was aging and her quality of life was deteriorating, so we made the
heart-rending decision to have her put to sleep.  She went with, I'm
convinced, a smile on her face.  She is buried in our yard and now rests
in a copse of evergreens where I can visit her often.
She was my partner for all the years and was an integral part of my life
(mind you, I'm a senior citizen!).  I miss her terribly already.  I pray
that she and I will someday be reunited.
For those living in the Cincinnati area, I strongly recommend Dr.
Dahlhausen for any ferret problems.  He's one in a million.
So, with this note I end my wonderful years of having one of the fuzzies
brighten up our home.  She's still here in spirit, I know, but there's a
void nevertheless.  Love your little guys for they will return far more
than you think.
Forever a ferret lover,
Al Wiebe
[Posted in FML issue 4312]