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Joanne D'Amico <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 8 Nov 2003 22:59:27 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
Yeah - Mine does, too.  I rescued a little female kitten that had been
dumped outside a fried chicken place on a very busy street, back in
April.  I intended to find her a good home, and I did - ours.  She loves
the ferrets, wants to be with them, naps with them, climbs into their
Midwest cage and curls up in one of the hammies, snacks on their food
and begs for treats with them - they sit up and beg, and now she does,
too!  Picture four ferrets and a tortoise cat with white paws all sitting
upright ....
Her favorite pal is my silver male, Bailey, and when I let them out of
their room, the two greet each other by touching noses and sniffing,
then groom each other.  He taught her not to play too rough (you call
that a bite, I'll show you a bite ...) and they are a sight together.
The whole bunch play a chase, hide and pounce game .... and they steal
each others' toys ... explore closets, burrow through the laundry pile
and run away with my T-shirts (she now runs away with anything that
catches her fancy - including my birthday helium baloon).  Or, one runs
thru the tunnel, and she races them to the other end, taps at them with
a paw, while they nip at her, then run out, speedy U-turn, tail wiggling
with excitement, and the race back to the other end ... I monitored them
every minute the first few months, but although she goes after every
bug and feathered toy, she hasn't showed any predatory behavior towards
them - Of course I keep them in their room and her out when I am not
around ... (no sense taking chances).
[Posted in FML issue 4326]