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Wed, 31 Dec 2003 20:19:08 -0800
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The 3rd, whom I have grown extremely attached (she is eccentric) had a
left adrenal gland removed without incident.  Cathy had examined her
briefly late in the summer and came to the conclusion that it was a
possibility she could have early adrenal disease and promptly started
her on Lupron.
Lastly, an older gal I have who is about 5 years old was bilateral
adrenal.  She was placed on Florinef after surgery, is slowly being
weaned and is doing fabulous.  I almost lost her a few months ago during
the summer due to some unknown bug/virus/ailment and she hasn't been her
normal self since.  Post surgery, she is back to her bright, cheery,
friendly and energetic self.  She is one of the few that Cathy personally
examined although she never diagnosed her with adrenal disease.  In
addition, a tumor that was growing under her chin was, in Cathy's words,
"the least of her problems" because she was being examined and treated
for an unknown virus at the time.  It was removed at the same time her
adrenal glands were removed in November.
All of the ferrets who had surgery in November were all bleeders and
coincidentally - all had begun monthly Lupron therapy prior to their
I wish I could say this was the end of my experience with Cathy and WFRS
but it's not.  After I adopted my WFRS foster ferrets, Cathy instructed
a WFRS Board member to have me return all prescribed medication.
Medication that was prescribed for pain/inflammation and also for the
ferret whose treatment stopped because there was no more Lupron.  Cathy
never even saw the ferret it was prescribed for.  In fact, this became
an issue between me and Cathy's WFRS liaison because I couldn't get a
satisfactory and consistent answer about "controlled" medications and
what criteria needed to be met before Cathy would personally see any of
the ferrets.  I am appalled that a professional veterinarian would ask
to have prescribed, opened and partially consumed medication returned.
Her reason according to a WFRS Board member?  Because I had chosen to
take my newly adopted ferrets to another doctor and that doctor's choice
of treatment might differ from hers.  I have to say that in the 25+ years
I have been a pet owner and foster home, I have never had a vet ask me to
return used medication.  I am further appalled that Cathy Johnson-Delaney
appeared to have no concern for any health consequences of the ferret she
was asking me to return the medication for.
Aside from her unusual manor of caring for the shelter ferrets, I have
also witnessed some horrific verbal abuse and of which most anyone
affiliated with the shelter (and been present at the same time Cathy was
at the shelter) has either observed or been a recipient of.  One of the
worst outbursts I had seen was towards a young woman on disability and
a dedicated foster home for WFRS.  She loved her fosters dearly and did
everything she could to provide for them.  I watched in horror while
Cathy screamed at her (literally - that is not an embellishment) for
not getting a syringe and filling it with a/d fast enough after a blood
glucose test showed her ferret may have insulinoma.  I have seen her
scold, belittle, criticize and scream at volunteers who did not perform
to her expectations.  One of them was a 15 year old girl.  Each time I
expressed my concern to the other volunteers, I was discouraged from
making it an issue.  I hate that I bought into the belief that forcing
a confrontation about her behavior would cost the shelter its vet.  She
holds them hostage and they allow it to continue.  That whole scenario
sickens me.
One last experience I really must share with you.  I have seen for
myself, the very sad lengths that some of the volunteers are willing
to go through to save a ferret who is in critical distress.  That,
in itself, is a loving, caring, selfless act, but the fact that they
absolutely refuse to take it to a vet other than Cathy, is neglect.
Furthermore, Cathy isn't always available and I have even offered
personally to pay for other vet care.  To complicate matters, sometimes
they won't even call Cathy if they feel she might recommend euthanasia.
In my opinion, this is a dangerous game of Russian Roulette.
I became involved in a rather unpleasant email exchange after leaving
the shelter and one of the subjects was regarding this very issue.  The
incident I refer to above was about a surrendered elderly ferret and his
mate who was in my temporary care.  When he stopped eating and began
losing weight, I was instructed to force feed and give sub cues.  When it
became evident that he was critical and after many urgent emails, phone
calls, pleading and begging to let me take him to another vet (I do not
have the skill or medical knowledge to care for a critically ill ferret),
I was convinced to give him to another volunteer with the skill/knowledge
to care for him.  He died shortly after.  I was then chastised for adding
to the stress of moving him to another home.  I was in disbelief.  In
another email encounter with the same volunteer, I had asked about
adrenal surgery based on an article by Dr Charles Weiss.  This was not
received well as I was told Dr Weiss receives $1,500 per surgery and
suggested that he really didn't care about the ferret - only his profit.
This was a typical response that I would get if I tried to suggest there
may be other alternatives to Lupron.
I've said my piece.  Anyone wanting more information is welcome to email
me.  I know I've rambled about a lot of things so if there is something
that doesn't make sense or anyone would like clarification, please let me
know.  In the meantime, all I ask is that you please consider the
1. Don't use Lupron except as a last resort when surgery is not an option
2. Cathy Johnson-Delaney is not the only ferret knowledgeable vet in the
   Seattle area.  There may not be many but they ARE out there.
To WFRS foster homes - if possible, PLEASE, PLEASE get your fosters the
medical care they need and deserve.  Don't listen to bad advice.  Find
out for yourselves.
To Chris at the Oregon Ferret Shelter.  Bless you and the two vets you
work with and for all you've done.  Thank you for saving the lives of
my babies whom I love with all my heart and soul.  I am forever in your
To the most dedicated ferret people I have ever met - Alex's mom and dad.
Your support kept me motivated and focused.
To our sweet, darling little Bandit.  Rest in Peace and please forgive me
for not knowing how to help you in time.
[Posted in FML issue 4379]