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Mon, 13 Oct 2003 22:46:33 EDT
Chana Rosen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Well, I received the playpen on Friday, and so far it's working GREAT!
No escapes, although Snowball can drag the panels around, so I'm not
putting it past him that eventually he's going to be strong enough to
lift them up just the teeniest bit, and then...that weasel can crawl
under anything.
Kesef, the flying ferret, hasn't yet been able to get over the top,
although he is trying.  But I'm prepared for that!  A couple of people
told me to put lengths of PVC pipe along the tops of the panels, so I'm
ready for him...
This playpen is wonderful!  The ferrets are getting so much more "out"
time than my heavy workload (6 human kids, need I say more?) was
previously allowing -- even without the full time job I used to have --
so now I'm a happy camper because the furkids can be right alongside me
as I do email in the evenings, or when I'm folding laundry, or whatever
else I'm doing.  YAY!!!!
Thanks for everyone's suggestions and advice...so far, we're a very happy
family!  It's great to have them out of the basement and back with the
family where they belong.  I couldn't go so far as to move their cage
upstairs, because husband complains about it too much.  This is just a
perfect solution!
Take care,
Chana and 4 happy fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 4300]