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Fri, 13 Jun 2003 15:00:38 -0500
Jennifer B <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
Good day readers! (It's always a good day with a fuzzie nearby)
For what it's worth (and mabye nothing), I wanted to take a moment to
globally respond to those who were so quick to harshly respond to ROSE
and her fuzzie's near miss with the alligators and crocs in her basement.
(DISCLAIMER: I am not an old codgity woman with nothing more to do with
my time and energy than give my unsolicited opinion; rather I am a 33 yr.
old young professional and successful, educated businesswoman who was
thankfully raised with very strong morals and taught how to value others'
opinions, even when they do not mirror mine, and to live by the Golden
Rule principle).
As a semi-regular poster and new FML memeber, this site has been a very
helpful resource to me and my precious fuzzies on many occasions already
and I am thankful for this resource and the humor it also provides from
various uplifting posts as well.
Unfortunately, however, I've also noticed that there is a reasonably fair
amount of 'flaming' and 'slamming' that occurs when people read something
to which they don't agree with and I find this kind of behavior,
especially from adults, to be disheartening, disturbing, and just plain
unnecessary.  Yes, we do live in a country where freedom of speech is a
protected right and I am as equally supportive of THAT as I am of those
who chose NOT to speak out, but to use this sight for negative purposes,
without paying mind to or respecting the the thoughts, feelings, and
opinions of others when flaming, slamming, or disagreeing with various
posts from time to time is just plain RUDE, disrespetful, shameful and
unnecessary (just my personal opinion, mind you, that I AM entitled to!)
There IS a difference between criticism and constructive advice and one
CAN be civil when delivering either one.  Sometimes it's not even WHAT
ones says but HOW it is said but I am keenly aware that not everyone has
the ability to practice good etiquitte and manners, particularly if they
have not been taught how to do so - therefore, this truth has taught me
a great lesson in patience and forgiveness in respect to ignorance ....
In regards to Rose's experience with her wayward fuzzie and the
alligators/crocs, how about trying to just be thankful that her story
had a happy ending and that no fuzzies suffered untimely deaths?
Moral of this posting: We are ALL ALL ALL humans and IMPERFECT ones at
that!  We ALL make mistakes (with fuzzies and in life in general) so what
right does anyone have to question someone's elses good intentions or the
level of care that a person extends to their pet companions, espcially in
cases of unfortunate but isolated incidences?  How are we to know one's
"parenting skills" without walking in that person's shoes 24/7?  I find
it rather ironic in fact that so often it is our precious PETS (and
animals in general) that teach US imperfect humans the true meanings of
unconditional love and devotion and forgiveness without ever saying a
single word!  And HUMANS are supposed to be the 'advanced' species????
Hmmmmm We truly do have so much to learn!
Oh, and remember that Golden Rule principle I mentioned earlier?  Just
for those who may not be familiar with it .... "Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you"
And here's another bit of wisdom at no extra charge .... "He who is
without sin among you let him be the first to cast a stone."
For those readers intent on voicing your "not-so-nice" personal opinions
about a particular individual's situation, why not try doing so to the
writer personally or better yet, take a moment to think about what
you're saying BEFORE you click SEND and while you are thinking, try
to remember the last time YOU made a mistake and how you felt when
criticized for it ... I'm willing to bet that ALL of us wouldn't have
to think more than a few moments)!
Well, enough said.  Blessings and peace to ALL fuzzies and their hoomans
out there - may you each know the love and joy that fuzzbutts bring and
have waiting for us, despite our genetic flaws!
Jen, Sasha and Snowball
[Moderator's note: While I agree with your sentiments, I do have to point
out that I didn't see any nastiness on the FML about the croc situation.
Apparently the people who were nasty about it DID express their feelings
to the poster personally as you suggest doing.  We all love ferrets and
some of us get carried away sometimes -- that's not an excuse at all --
but it is reality, unfortunately.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4178]