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Mon, 1 Dec 2003 04:20:08 -0700
text/plain (76 lines)
Most of what people believe about the after life is based on
superstition, fantasy and vain imaginations; very little of it is based
on Scriptural fact.  For example: wings.  NOWHERE in Scripture does it
give even the slightest hint that departed creatures (ANY creature) gets
"wings" when they die.  When I researched for my article, "The Truth
About Angels", I found that not only do people NOT get wings when they
die, but nowhere in Scripture does it say that even angels have wings.
It is all fanciful lies, invented by Scripturally illiterate people.
Even without the wings, there is no evidence whatsoever that any departed
creature becomes an "assisting angel".  It's just not true.
I once saw a "memorial garden" that was the grave site of two ferrets.
The well meaning but completely Scripturally ignorant woman had had wings
added to two (ceramic?) ferrets on the marker stone.  These were the most
wrong looking things I have ever seen.  They looked totally unnatural;
frankly, they looked like two evil little dragons.  So sad.  Not so much
that the ferrets had died, but that someone could actually believe such
self-imposed lies (and waste big bucks on it).
The fact of the matter is, Jesus warned that FEW would enter his kingdom;
ALL but a few will perish.  And, from looking around at this HIGHLY
superstitions, HIGHLY Scripturally illiterate world, it's no wonder!
Take, for example, the annual celebration of the pagan-Catholic "Christ
Mass".  Anyone who knows Scripture and has examined the Catholic religion
in contrast of Scripture, knows that the Catholic Mass is highly
blasphemous.  Yet, this "religious" world always rushes to celebrate the
wrong things in the wrong way, thinking that they please God with it,
when all the while, they do the opposite.  The Scriptural fact is, Jesus
was not born in the winter at all, and, nowhere in Scripture does it tell
us to celebrate his birthday.  "Christ Mass", like "Ishtar" ("Astarte";
"Easter"), Halloween, etc., are all pagan-Catholic in origin, and are all
just as contradictory to Scripture.
It's no wonder God has turned his back on the bulk of humanity!  As he
has said, people are altogether become vain in their imaginations.
Terrible times are coming, the likes of which NO human has ever seen, and
that's a Scriptural FACT.  It's not the candy coated primrose path that
people want to imagine.  Jesus placed great importance on reading and
knowing the Scriptures, yet that's the last thing people want to do when
inventing things like the "rainbow bridge" myth.  Just because someone in
Norway once wrote a touching poem, based on nothing but speculation and
wishful thinking, doesn't make it so.  Such myths are nothing but
pacifiers for people who want to believe *something*, but don't have the
integrity and personal relationship WITH God and the Lord Jesus to
actually open the Scriptures and do some research.
This is not a popular opinion, but it's an honest one, based on much
observation and Scriptural study.  People are welcome to play whatever
games they want, but, as for me, I choose to please God.  And, the only
way to know what pleases and displeases Him, is through his Word.
Anything else is just vain speculation and invention.
P.S.  If people are offended by the truths I spoke about ferret
afterlife, just think how *I* feel seeing all the fanciful myths and
knowing better!  It's been a constant battle biting my tongue to keep
from filling the void of ignorance with something of more substance.
Think about that for a minute.
[Moderator's note: But the whole point is it's all vain speculation.
Afterlife?  Angels?, with or without wings.  The scriptures frequently
mention angels descending and flying -- whether or not they do so with
wings or whether the whole thing is metaphorical is immaterial.  In fact,
whether or not angels even exist is immaterial here.  Invention?  Like
Noah's ark?  I'm glad YOU are sure you know better, but IMHO your beliefs
are far from established doctrine for many people.
There are people of religion on this list who will disagree with you and
others who may agree -- so what?  This is a list about ferrets, not one
to debate religion.  If people wish to find comfort in a God, or in
Sandee, or by grieving on this list I'm all for it.  But I'm NOT keen on
debating religion here: this topic is CLOSED.  Any replies go into the
ether.  Or into whatever your (plural) spiritual equivalents are.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4349]