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Sun, 25 Jan 2004 07:00:59 -0600
text/plain (34 lines)
Hello the list!
It's been a while since I've been subscribed, it's just hard for me to
keep up.
Anyway, a rundown..  we have six ferrets..  (Conan (4), Sigmar (3),
Amber (2), Apache (2), Max (1.5), and Feyd (1)).  We love our ferrets (of
course) and I freak out when there's a problem (of course).  So, without
further deliberation...
My Sigmar is sick.  I've taken him to the vet, and had bloodwork done
on him
The vet says the levels indicate liver damage, and he thought it might
be ECE... but I haven't been around any other ferrets and niether has
Sigmar.  He says I need to take him for a ultra sound or an xray.. and
I really want to..  but I'm poor.  It takes quite a bit of our budget
to feed our babies... sooo..  I need a good vet guys, in the McAlester,
OK (Read: Near Tulsa) area.  We will make the drive out of state if we
have to..  but I want to be SURE that it's a vet that knows what they're
doing, and that'll work with me... because this is breaking me
He's eating and drinking on his own, and is on antibiotics..  but his
back legs are weak and the muscle tone seems to be gone.  He doesn't like
to get up and hobble around much inside the cage, and I try to keep him
from getting too excited when we take him out to supervise his meals.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Carla, Robert and the Troop
[Posted in FML issue 4404]