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Sat, 29 Nov 2003 21:42:48 EST
Branden Hunter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi , my name is branden, i recently bought a young sable girl ferret.  I
named her Klepto and she is very playful and fun .  I've had her for a
week or so now and ive read alot about ferret health and things to make
sure she didnt have any problems .  Today despite my efforts i noticed
some strange things.  When i got her out of her cage she was abnormally
tired and was'nt very playful , her tail hair was also sticking up but i
figured this was just from excitment or something.
She was just walking around sniffing stuff which is kind of strange
because usually she likes to play , then she would stop randomly and
look up in the air as if she saw something for a second, then go back to
walking a sniffing around.  She did this a few times which really made me
nervous.  The strangest thing i saw her do was her hind legs went up like
she was going to poo, but she wasnt near a wall or anything and nothing
came out and she was kind of walking around .
After awhile she got more playful and after playing with her for an hour
or so i put her in her cage (she needs to learn to use the litterpan
better and the rooms too big) for the night.  I hope im being
overprotective or just too nervous because shes new and i dont want
anything to happen to her, so i wanted some other opinions.  Im goign
to take her to the vet anyway but im jsut wondering if these symptoms
are very severe.
Thanks guys, any feedback is much appreciated
    -  Branden and Klepto -
[Posted in FML issue 4347]