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Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:57:14 +0000
Saskia Visser <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
>From:    Risa Di Vincenzo <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Pred question
>... She was put on .6 ml of the regular pred (15mg per 5ml) , but
>wouldn't take it so we put her on 1.8 ml of the pediapred (5mg per 5ml).
>The dosage has since been lowered because she doesn't have a tumor as
>thought, although the condition she has is still a bit of a mystery.
>She has tested as having fat in her blood, lipemia.  She has ballooned
>out and has a skinny top and bony backbone but HUGE waterballoon-like
>belly.  Just wondering if others have had this experience with pred...
>PS IF anyone has any knowledge about Lipemia please also let me know!!
I just thought this was interesting, so I crossposted it to the ferret
health list.  Hope you get some answers.  Is the belly when you tap it
liquid like (bad description) or more solid.  Sometimes when ferrets have
cardiomyopathy they retain fluid and may need to be put on an diuretic
like lasix (furosemide), but I am not familiar with lipemia so hopefully
some of the vets of the ferrethealth list will reply and explain it to us.
[Posted in FML issue 4338]