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Sat, 4 Oct 2003 09:55:01 -0400
Dee Vecchione <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Dear Anon,
I completely agree with you and your vets on this issue.  A biopsy on
your little guy would not have benefited your 11 other ferrets in the
least.  It would only have identified the exact type of tumor that it
was.  Obviously it was malignant, because it was so aggressive.  Other
than that, does it really matter?  Cancer is not contagious, and not
easily prevented.  It is highly doubtful that your other ferrets will
suffer the same fate.  I think the person that called you selfish was way
out of line.  It's not selfish of you to take the needs of your other
furbabies into consideration before spending $140.00 on a biopsy.  It's
sensible.  In your situation, I would have done exactly the same thing.
It's far more important to use that money on the ones who are living,
than the one that is at the Bridge.  Please don't feel that you cannot
share your sadness and opinions on the FML.  Most of us have walked in
your shoes and understand exactly where you're coming from.  Don't judge
the entire FML by the response of one person.  In fact, I would say that
the lack of response probably means that most listers are in support of
your decision.
I am so very sorry for your loss.  Please don't let insensitivity add to
your sadness.
[Posted in FML issue 4291]