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Sun, 21 Sep 2003 23:08:46 -0500
Jennifer B <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hello everyone!
I have a question about ferret dental care and dental products . . . .
anyone out there provide home dental maintenance on their fuzzies?  My
Snowball has some tartar buildup and I will be taking him to a vet soon
for a check-up and to have this tooth "diagnosed" but I'm also wanting
to do some preventative teethcleaning at home but am not sure if I can
use non-ferret teeth cleaning ge/toothpaste/wipes with a finger brush
or cotton swab????  Are 'cat' dental products compatible with fuzzies
if the basic ingredients are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (or any
suggestions for home made ferret teeth cleaner)?
I've found the following brands (Petrodex Enzymatic Toothpaste, Marshall
Ferret Dental Gel, Petrodex Teeth Cleaning Pads, and Totally Ferret
Liquid Filled Oral Swabs - filled with Neem Oil, Parsley Seed Oil,
Ascorbic Acid/Vitamin C, and Chlorophyll).
Remember, I am NOT intending to substitute Snowball's dental exam with
home dental care because it's clear that one of Snowy's teeth has
extensive tartar build-up and may even need to be removed but I'm
looking for some objective information from actual 'users' before I
lean too heavily on the advice of Snowy's new doctor.
Please feel free to contact me directly - Snowball thanks you!
Hugs and Kisses to fuzzies everywhere :-)
Jen, Sasha & Snowball
[Posted in FML issue 4278]