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Wed, 10 Sep 2003 02:03:33 -0500
Kirsten Hansen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
My little girl, Rugsby, was sleeping at my feet as I lay reading in bed.
I sit up to watch her all curled up with her feet beside her head: so
cute, so peaceful.  Eyes closed and tiny little pink tongue sticking out
while she dreams.  A grin starts to creep across my face as I get an
idea.  Silently I lean back to grab the bottle of ferretone off my night
stand and squeeze out a dollop on my finger.  Grinning evilly, I transfer
that to the tip of her curled tongue, and wait.  She slurps it in and and
keeps slurping till there can't possibly be any left....all while still
in deep sleep nine.  I'm chuckling by now....but she goes on to lick her
back paw vigorously with her eyes tightly closed.  Poor thing can't find
where the rest of the ferretone has gone!  As I'm writing this, still she
doesn't know anything....I can just imagine her dreams.....one minute
she's frolicking in foot high grass somewhere, and next she lands in a
vat of never ending liquid sunshine!!  he he he....it's killing me
watching....she's finally waken up and I'm too big of a softy to not give
her a little treat.
Lord love her and all the other little ones out there making our days
that much better by giving us our kicks....
-Kirst, Teddy and Rugsby
[Posted in FML issue 4267]