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Sat, 5 Jul 2003 11:58:51 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Got to bed at 3 then up at 7:30 with her IV having a problem then Steve
and I headed out to the hospital with her -- He'd slept so don't worry
about road safety because he drove --(stitches and stapled removed, new
catheter pu in place on ohter arm but old one left in in case she meses
up the new one (and I get to remove the old one tomorrow at home if all
goes well.  Then home and set up the IV all over again and get htree meds
and some offd and water into her.  Her new IV also has some vitamins to
see if they will help with the anemia that is inevitable at her degree
of illness.  Know that magic 10,000 (ten thousand)numnber up which the
chnaces of lympho are much higher?  Well, with cellulitis those numbers
go way up there, too.  They have been as high as 35,000 (thirty five
She's had to have pain meds twice but theywork.
IF we can all get her through this the chances of serious lasting damage
are small though she'll sure need some rehab, and she is still indicating
interest in life; she' s just terribly, terribly ill so may not make it.
One thing that drives that home is that I've been asking aorund and so
far have not found any ferets of her age who have survived truly massive
infections.  PLEAASE!There are proabbly some and I'd love tips from those
who managed them, but so far haven't found any.
I am osrry that this is a mess.  I just really need slepp; afte I eat
soemthing and sit for tiny bit I'll lean back and get some.  Sge is on
week 5 of this.
Oh, her current antibiotic routine has her at 101.6'F now so that is good
-- fgreat actually even thoug she has no energy and will be fighitng this
for some time.  Can't let it go below 100'.
Oh, and her urine is fine so far.  Oh, and there is potassium add to her
IV this tiime -- that and the B vitamins.  The nikld anemia is due to the
how very severe the infection is.
Shje's a real little fighter -- trying so har dot get better.  I think
many ferets would have given in some time ago so that is very much on her
[Posted in FML issue 4200]