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Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:19:36 -0700
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi Everyone,
A long time ago someone asked the question - "What happens to all the
babies that are looking for homes on the FML?  It would be really nice
if we could get an update."
Well I wanted to let you know the two babies that were up for adoption in
CA in the 08/22/03 FML - are now living with me safe and sound!
Bunny Chopper and Ben have made their way into my and my roommates
hearts.  We fight over them all the time!  Today we decided on a truce...
we would share them.  However if and when she moves out, they will stay
with me : )
Turns out Bunny Chopper and Ben (yeah, we named them), are only 8 weeks
old!  Shipped to Las Vegas waaaaayyy to early.  But they seem to be
healthy and happy pending health checks and ADV testing.  I wish I could
post a picture of how adorable they are.  It's been a long time since I
had babies in the house - (I love my rescues), and boy do they make you
laugh and smile all the time!
So that's the end of my story.
[Posted in FML issue 4252]