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Mon, 18 Aug 2003 08:32:39 -0400
Rozareo Shikhar <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
After we posted we had gone to the shelter and adopted some ferrets and
the we were very impress with the place and the way it is being run we
have had some people write us telling of how the owner of the shelter
abuses her aniamls and will not feed or care for them.  What we seen at
the shelter was nothing at all like you are saying.  What we saw was a
very loving woman that devote her life to the care and welfare of the
animals in her care.  I was asked to research what happen 2 years ago
with this shelter and every news station, and new paper that covered this
story said that Animal Control was shocked at how well cared for the
animals were.  I asked the people that wrote me to send me the prove of
what they said about the abuse and all that took place no one ever wrote
me back after that.
I don't know what all happen two years back I just know what Rose and I
saw at the shelter and the ferrets we adopted from them are in no way
abused my boy is a moose on legs and he is not fat he is all muscle at
3.5 pounds.  I still will say that the shelter where we adopted him from
was the nicest shelter we have ever been in and they have the best
looking animals we have ever seen and that includes the little girl in
need of surgery other then she is hairless she runs and plays harder then
most of the other ferrets there.  At one of our visits to the shelter
there was a vet there and he to went on and on of how wonderful the
shelter was and if we were thinking of adopting that he himself would
never adopt from anyone else but this shelter.  We didn't and don't want
to upset any of the people on this list but we are just telling everyone
what we experience when we adopted or new furries.  My boy had so
cagemates that came home with him all being in outstanding health,
temperament and condition.
[Posted in FML issue 4244]