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Sun, 17 Aug 2003 11:15:43 -0700
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Hi everyone,
Haven t written in a long time (so much going on, started College, moving
out ) but still always lurkin around, always have in my thoughts and
prayers best wishes of recovery for all sick fuzzies out there
Don t know if anyone still remembers me, Logan, Leeloo and Salma but
we remember many of you.  I d like to say we re doing ok but it
unfortunately it isn t so and I ve been so worried, so I d appreciate
if anyone feels like writing me on what they think on this subject:
For a couple of months Salma has lost most of her tail hair (I assumed it
was like before, because of blackheads or season shedding).  For 3 weeks
or so is the hair on her back thinner and lifeless looking.
Last year she had a weird fur change also but not so extreme.  No real
bald spots but not the normal ferrets shed
No fleas.  If it was a skin disease wouldn t the other 2 have caught it
too?  I thought, observed, prayed the summer hair d grow back faster but
so far it hasn t.
So other than the fur problem (and naked tail) the only other possible
symptom is that she s been a bit more aggressive when it comes to
protecting her toys (and if she bites me when I touch any of her stuff
and I scruff and hiss at her she actually hisses right back, the nerve!
lol) She s really her usual super energetic and mega eater sweet nosy
Here are the link to 2 photos of Salma and her fur, from a few months ago
and how she looks now:
Please take a look and let me know what you think!  (can it be Adrenal?
What else can it be??!!)
Like every human owned by ferrets I have this horrible fear of Adrenal
Disease (I ve never had a fuzzy with that before).
IF it IS what Salma has then all the well known "theories" about Adrenal
- that Adrenal hits mostly ferrets older than 3 (Salma just turned 2)
- that ferrets might have this because of kibble rather than meat (my 3
  eat meat everyday)
- that ferrets might have this because of artificial light (my 3 never
have light on at night, I got a lamp on the bathroom that goes on and off
according to light outside, but since they roam free most of my place is
lit up only through sun coming through big windows, so they live with
natural light)
Afraid that if it IS Adrenal then the best thing is to have it removed
(and the only way to know is to open her up and see ) I ve made he
appointment for the operation next week!  (before the tumor is too big
you know!)
Am I making the right thing???!  Could I be overlooking and other simpler
less-dangerous problem?  (like stress or some skin problem that wouldn t
catch on the others)?
The vet who d operate is real good and I trust him but still it IS a
risk and I m terrified to be making too hastily of a decision in
something so big!
I ll really appreciate and thoughts on this (post me here or write to
[log in to unmask]), especially those with experience on Adrenal and other
skin problems!
Thank you so very very much!
Hugs and dooks,
Very worried Chris, and the sweet furballs that own her Logan, Leeloo and
(going bald? Seriously ill?) Salma!
[Posted in FML issue 4243]