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Tue, 12 Aug 2003 11:10:16 -0400
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Falkkor is two years old I got her in October she was 7 weeks I think.
Very young anyway So she must be 3 by now.  And just recently as in 2
days ago I noticed her fur is thinner all over her body, but no scaly
skin no patchy loss , No swollen vulva, but I'll keep an eye for sure for
any sickness.  The others came around November of this year.  She is much
smaller then them but she was the queen bee, however right away she got
nippy, Toward me and everyone she'd use her teeth but never bite hard
enough to feel.  Though once 3 months after we got the Drizzet we were
going on our outing to the pet store she was on my shoulder and was about
to slide off, my hands full with bags and Drizzet I used my chin to push
her back gently and she latched onto my face I had to drop everything to
pull her off and then scruff her.  Though I was bleeding, something she
had never done before was harm anyone, she prefers walking in the ground
to riding my shoulder from then on and would leap off my shoulder to get
to the ground she's happy walking.  Drizzet always rode on his dads
shoulder not mine.  My shoulders were hers and hers only.
I made sure to give her plenty of attention when the new guys arrived,
Lots of extra love, and brand new toys, Though ferretone on the hands has
always entices her to chew it off so she only receives that on her belly.
Falkkor still kisses on command especially eyebrows and the corners of
eyes.  She loves play time with the others, she plays with them nicely,
taking their toys and hiding them and teaching Drizzet how to get past
the baby gates and on our walks she won't go to far away from them but
she just doesn't want to share her sleeping area.  I've taken apart the 5
story and made it two cages, Which was quite easy to do.  she seems
calmer now, but I don't want her around kids until I know if she'll turn
back to her old ways in the time I was proud to have any child pet her,
She isn't aggressive just something different it's not nip she give
either it a hold she grabs lightly yet hard enough you can't pull away
easily and just holds you.
Falkkor, Champagne>
Drizzet Black Sable Mitt>
Lukas Marked DEW>
All three>
You live longer
Once you realize
That any time spent
Being unhappy is wasted
Mia Mackey
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[Posted in FML issue 4238]