I noticed while reading the FML yesterday and today that it was mentioned
that SOS does not cover certain expenses [it was not said in a negative
sense]...this is true...we pay to the vet and/or for supplies thru
certain stores...
by doing so, we hopefully free up funds that would be used for these
purposes so they can be used for the other shelter needs...
it all has to be paid one way or the other...where we can help in one
area...it makes it possible for the shelter to use their own funds or
direct donations in other areas...
i am not saying not to donate directly to the shelter...that is always a
good thing...but i AM saying...don't hesitate to donate to SOS because
you think the funds might not do as much good...
because they will...:)
i am not saying this against anything that has been said...i am saying it
in conjunction with it...
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Fuzzy Frenzy [+13](-14)
SleepSack Page... http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com/sleepsack.html
My Help4ADV Page.... http://help4adv.terrabox.com
WRMQ Raffle..... http://help4adv.terrabox.com/WRMQ.html
A Proud Member of S. O. S. .... http://supportourshelters.org/
Ferret FunFest 2003-Sept.13!... Visit http://www.mfran.org
SHOP ClubMedFerrets Store!!!... http://www.geocities.com/clubmedferrets/
[Posted in FML issue 4231]