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Thu, 10 Jul 2003 23:15:05 EDT
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
Hello all :-)
Sincere condolences to all whom have lost their precious fuzzies.  And a
speedy recovery to the ill ones.
Below is a partial copy of an email that I had sent to Judy Cooke about
some "extra" money that was "raised" for the ADV card exchange.  She
thought it would be good to post and share this out on the FML, I
agree... but I was a little afraid of the possibility of offending any
one.  So I am posting it, but anonymously ... :-)
I am a very advent bowler, I love it :-) and I have just returned from a
tournament in Reno, Nevada.  One of the bonuses of Reno, you can gamble.
I am not a big gambler, mostly nickel and sometime quarter slots is about
my speed.  andI get sick of it pretty quickly... lol, but it's fun.
Anyway, I had my set amount of monies that I was going to use for the 5
days I was there and I was going to do one day for monsters, meaning if
anything was won off that money was going to go for the ADV fund.
Well, unfortunately, I did not do so good in the gambling dept... LOL by
the time I was done, I had broken even on one day and lost it all the
other days.  No big deal, it was planned and I had fun.
On the day we where leaving..  things changed. :-)  With the airports
the way they are now days, you never know how long it is going to take.
So we ended up settled and ready to go at our gate about an hour before
we where going to board.  They actually have slot machines at the
airport!!  LOL I was actually kind of sick of gambling but had some time
to kill obviously, I ended up doing a little more.
I had been missing my monsters like CRAZY!!!!  I have never been away
from them more and 2 nights-3 days at the most.  I was going on 5 days /4
nights w/o them.  and going mad..  LOL I saw a type of machine I had
never seen before.  It had very bright obnoxious yellow spinning reels.
It was a "Wild Banana" 2 quarter slot machine.  Fric and Tic LOVE
bananas..  well I figured what the heck, I can try one more time, so I
took out a $5 and started to play.  It kept hitting little things and I
held my own for a bit.  When it was a little over 1/2 gone and I figure
that was about it... I got a Wild Banana, a Red Seven, and a Wild
banana :-) And the was worth 400 quarters!!!!!!!!!!!!  wwooooooooo
wwwwwhooooooo :-)!!!!!!!!!
When that happened, it was about 20 mins before we were going to board,
since the machine had been hitting on and off, I figured I could play
for a little bit more to see if I could get a little more.  But no such
luck..  it started eating the quarters, and I did not want to lose the
monsters money, so when I cashed it out, it was at $86.25.
I know these are sort of.. ill gotten gains... and that some people may
be offended by that, and I apologies to those persons.  It is not ment
to be that way.  Everyone has there own rights and beliefs and they are
entitled to them.  I however am not one of those persons that
"Responsible Gambling" bothers, and speaking on behave of the monsters..
we would like this money, despite how it was gotten, to be given for
ADV research.
[Posted in FML issue 4205]