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Mon, 30 Jun 2003 02:23:57 -0500
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>Obviously, some did.  As BIG said, in the future, maybe a disclaimer
>needs to be added so readers don't misinterpret the meaning of tongue in
>cheek posts.  But, are we all really that sensitive?  Has it gotten to
>the point that humor has to be explained before we can appreciate it.
>All in all, I think it is rather sad commentary about our world today.
Been there done that.  I used to put a disclaimer on my posts, when I
used to post all the time and I posted humorously.
Boils down to this, a lot of folks do not understand satire in email.  It
is a hard medium to get that across in, when their is no warning.
And while maybe not the case here, many folks on this list and others
hold horrid grudges for the littlest slight, or even some supposed slight
to a friend.  It has always struck me as sad that some folks have so
little in their lives that all they feel good about is doing harm to
someone else.  I have so little and yet I seem to have the world in
I dunno, I used to post a lot in another lifetime.  Lol.  But then I
used to find a lot of humour to post.  The backbiting got to me, and I
My recommendations?  Put a disclaimer, but even that doesn't always help.
I used to do that.  Even so some still DECIDED to take my posts the wrong
way.  And also unless you are willing to be talked about and sniped at
for years, don't put anything personal up that someone could take offense
at.  Trust me, after 7 years I no longer think I will ever be left alone.
And if you think I am kidding, recently not only did someone call my
landlord and have them check on me, but also called my unlisted number.
Someone who said they don't want to have anything to do with me.  They
had to have followed me to find out where I live and I have no clue with
the phone number.
For some reason, many folks have a mindset to do this.  And not just
on this list.  I saw someone else go through exactly what I have gone
through on another list.  I won't claim to understand it.  I used to be
a lot more trusting of what folks told me online, but now I no longer
take everything at face value.
I am rambling a bit.  Just trying to point out how much we take things
for granted online.  This is NOT like meeting someone in person and as
much as we would like it to be, it is much harder to communicate this
way.  I should say communicate in the way that we mean.  So take care,
and if you like satire and sarcasm, do put a disclaimer on your posts.
It helps some.
The above post was written by a woman of Celtic heritage.  Her tongue can
be sharp, but she rarely takes anything to heart.  Humor is what helped
the Celts to survive and humor is what made the Scots burn peat.  I mean
really, who else would do that?  Want to understand Celtic humor better?
Watch "The Commitments"
[Posted in FML issue 4195]