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Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:04:31 EDT
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Within two weeks time I have lost two precious fur kids.  More so because
they both were new kids..  one from Rocky's and one (Chevy) from Houston.
Each has they're story, each loved truly in the short time they graced my
life.  Bo, he came to me from Maryland, from Rockys.  I fell in love with
him the first time I laid my eyes upon him.  I had to bring him home,
here in Texas.  He made a long trip via transport..  state to state, home
to precious fur home.  He developed several problems along with way,
insulinoma and due to his pred intake, low resistance.
Every care giver along the way fell in love with him just as I did.  A
old man that was only at Barbs for a week or so, dumped in the parking
lot, almost totally blind and left to die.  I had the pleasure of having
him home for only three days before he went into respirtory distress.  I
spent almost the entire day by his side at the vets, loving him, holding
him.  Telling doc, do this do that.  But alas it was not to be.  He left
his physical body with my holding him close to my face singing "you are
my sunshine" and kissing him all over and telling him of his journey yet
to come.  He passed on Thursday prior to my rushing him to the emergency
vet (as the day clinic was closing) at 5:56 pm.  RIP little Bo, Momma
truly loved you with every part of her being.
Chevy, he came to me when his owners (thank to Joanne Ruffner again, as
this will be a shock to her) decided they could or no longer wanted him.
We met at the hotel at the same time I picked up Bo, Bear and Forrester.
His parents had truly showered him with toys, so I knew they really loved
him, reasoning to give him up, escapes me.  Chevy was in full blown
adrenal, very very little hair remained on his body, he was also plagued
with a rare form of IBD which had never been officially diagnosed.  I
took Chevy for adrenal surgery on Monday the 8th.  Doc removed his right
adrenal and biopsied his intestines and stomach.  Thursday late evening
Chevy refused to eat.  Friday morning he ventured to the vets.  We put
him on Amox, Biaxin, carfate and the like suggesting from his poops that
he had developed intestinal ulcers.  Saturday evening, he went downhill.
I rushed him to the emergency vets at 12:30 am.  They used IV fluids on
him and the like.  Sunday am I went to visit him..  he gave me a kiss and
I held him for an hour.  They had run a full panel and found his proteins
to be low, so they introduced a synthedic protein.
I went to visit him again sunday evening as the clinic is in Southlake.
I had my daughter with me so I didn't speak up as I held him.  I knew it
was almost over.
He looked at me with his head on my shoulder as if to say Mom, it's time
for me to go.  Dr Nix called me shortly after 9:30 and told me of Chevy's
passing.  I cried and Dr Nix agreed to to a necropsy for my piece of
mind.  Chevy's intestine had ruptured he had been to weak to open him
back up, he wouldn't had made it through the surgery he said.  I am sick.
His parents whom trusted me, I let them down.  I would have done anything
for this have not to happen as Chevy was a special man.
Please Sandy, show Chevy and Bo the way to Tigger and Kodo.  Let them
know their momma and Britney miss them with all their hearts.  Tig, Kodo?
Say hi to the new kids and show them the meadows of tubes and toys for
Momma okay?  I love you and miss you all , my precious babies.
Leanne B
and all the fun balls of fur
[Posted in FML issue 4274]