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Sun, 24 Aug 2003 18:44:12 -0700
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Hi all
My hooman had a little problem with a bug or something this week and
their puter wasn't working.  Something called a worm and it kept making
da puter shut downw ith a Win 32 error or something.  Anyway it had to go
to da shop and be fixed up or get a shot or something.  So they have been
without it for a while and some of these are late.
A little girl named Miss Dixie came in.  She waz met by Harley 'Bear',
and Fiver.  They were real happy to see her and welcomed her warmly.
They had to stop for a gossip session and get all da lateest news and
gossip from home.  They talked for some time getting all caught up.  Then
it waz off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw
them over at Tube Park where they were playing in da practice tubes and
generally acting like ferrets.  They were running through da tubes at
break neck speed or chasing each other with pauses for mock fights in da
middle as of course no one wanted to be taged and fought it off.  They
were generally have a very good time of it to.  They had a good game of
chase da ferret going and everyone had a time at being it.  She said not
to worry over her as she is doing real well here.  She said to send her
luv and lots of kisses to her mommy.
A little guy named Jesse came in later.  He waz met by Cinders, Ernie,
Lil B, Wolfie and da rest of da crew here.  They were real happy to see
him and welcome him.  Then they sat around and gossiped for some time
catching up on all da news and gossip at home.  They talked and talked.
They had to take a quick break to go over to da Fruit Bar for a rasin
snack before finishing.  Then it waz off to see all da sights and
attractions.  After dat they headed over to da Fields to roll around and
snorkel in da grass.  They ran and ran and made ferrets of themselves.
They chased each other and played tag and case da ferret.  Everyone
seemed to have a great time at it adn they all got chance at being it.
They tired themselve out though and layed around in da grass and took a
nap although they couldn't reat to long as I called them over to help me.
He said to send hiz luv and lots of kisses and hugs to his mommy.
A little girl named Angel came in later.  By special request she waz met
by Jesse, Cinders, Ernie, Lil B and da rest of da crew.  I introduced
everyone to everyone and they hit it off right away.  After all da intros
they headed out to show her around and so she could see all da sights and
attractions.  I later saw them back at da Fields where they were
introducing her to all their ferret games and making sure she knew all da
rules and stuff.  Each group seems to invent their own rules and stuff.
They ran and played for quite a while there, rolling thtrough da grass
and snorkeling and she seemed to catch on real quick.  They taught her
chase da ferret and tag and of course how to roll in da grass da right
way.  She waz a natural at dat.  They ran themselves tired again and had
just got to sleep and had a short nap when everyone was called away
again.  She said to send lots of luv and kisses to her mommy.
A little guy named EZ came in.  He waz met by Jesse and da whole gang.  I
introduced everyone to everyone to make sure they all knew each other and
they had a short talk to come up to date but it didn't take long as there
wasn't much to tell.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights
and attrctions again.  They had to stop by Hammock Haven when they got
there to finish off their nap as everyone waz still kinda pooped out
which seemed all right with him.  After a short nap they were back over
at da Fields again involved in some serious play.  They were well rested
and their game of chase da ferret waz resumed.  They ran for a long time
and everyone got a turn at being it and being chased.  It took them a
little while to get through everybody but everyone had a turn.  They ran
themselves tired again and had to get a small nap to keep them going.  He
did pass a message though to send hiz luv and lots of kisses and hugs to
hiz mommy.
I looked up Clover in da puter and found her over at da Tube Races where
her and Alfalfa were involved in da races.  They were doing real good at
it to and would place in da stuffed animal category.  They said dat they
missed you a whole bunch but not to worry as everything up here is going
well.  There is a lot to do to keep a ferret occupied and happy.  No
hooman of course but you couldn't have everything.  They send to send
along their luv and kisses to their mommy.
I am off to see all da stuff going on down there in da Reflecting Pool.
Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4250]