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Thu, 26 Jun 2003 16:53:57 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
I gonna tell a story 2 get da ball rollin.  Ya see, for each $100 raised
for da ADV Research Campaign I will tell a story 2 ya'll.  So far looks
like the SOS Judy lady might be gettin' some dollars soon.  I SO happy!
When I waz little I wanted to fly a plane.  So I did.... no, really
I did.  Ok ok, you don't believe me do ya?  Well here was my first
Once a upon a ferret time not very long ago lived a beutiful ferret named
Pherit (see...get it...it's me!).  Pherit loved to play and romp all
throughout da day.  One day while restin' Pherit decided that he had seen
everything dhere waz to see from da ground.  He wondered what it would be
like to fly high into da sky.  He ran to tell his buddies but dhey all
just laughed at him.  Dhey told him dhat he a ferret and he can't fly.
He no have wings.  Dhey laughed and laughed.  Pherit ran away and hid.
He cry.  Pherit no like being laughed at.
Dhen he had an idea....(ding!)
He just gonna fly and prove dhem all rong.  He ran to da bedroom and
climb on top of the bed.  He decided that he needed a running start in
order to get off of da ground.  Pherit waz a little scared but he know
he make it.  He sure.  So with a little prayer he takes off runnin'.
He gets to da end of da bed and jumps!
"OUCH" He said as he hit da ground.  Pherit look up at da bed and no
understand.  He thought he could fly, why he on ground?  Just dhen he
turn around and see da odher ferrets looking at him.  Dhey were laughin'
again.  "told you so, told you so" dhey kept sayin'.
Pherit couldn't run away cause his butt (I dhink I can say that word) was
sore.  Pherit slinked under da bed and laid there til daddy come to
rescue him.
Daddy not happy that he hurt himself but hold Pherit and tell him dhat he
loves him.  Pherit try da tell daddy dhat he want da fly.  But daddy no
understand.  So, Pherit go get paper and write letter da daddy tellin'
him (yes, Pherit can write...if he couldn't how would he be writin' ya'll
now?  HMM?).
Daddy looked at Pherit and gave him a big hug and laughed.  Dhat made
Pherit cry.  Daddy no want Pherit cryin.  So, daddy said he would help
Pherit fly.
Pherit so happy!  He jump for joy!  Opps... jumped out of daddys arms and
go SPLAT on floor again!
ok... end of story...
What?  You wanted all of story?  Tuff.  Ya gotta send in money first for
ADV Research.
Judy Cooke
851 Burnt Pond Road
Ostrander, Oh  43061
Make checks payable to 'University Foundation'.
You can check dhis site out http://www.geocities.com/imdella/4th.html
2 see if it reaches $100.  Once it does, I write again.
Until next time...
[Posted in FML issue 4192]