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Fri, 24 Oct 2003 18:14:33 -0700
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi, All.
Today I checked up on a little guy named Buddy Rico, he came in a while
I had a heck of a time prying him away from his business, they call
themselves 'The Magnificent Seven', and you should see them flying around
the Tall Bookcase Obstacle Course!  Solita, Matty, Bruiser, Pepto, Gizmo,
Mojo, and Bootsie.  They are absolutely nuts when they strap on their
wings and fly that course!  I left my wings in my hammie, I may go back
later to get them.  These guys are just having way too much fun by
Anyway, I managed to convince Buddy Rico to land for a few minutes for a
private conversation.  He said he'd had a little time to reflect upon the
changes he'd been through recently.  He said the cancer had been hard at
the end, but aside from that, he'd had a pretty darn good life, all
things considered.  He wanted to thank his Forever Mommy and Daddy, Tara
and Jerry, for giving him the joy of Free-Roam.  He said he could
appreciate it more than most guys, because of all that time he'd spent
caged up before.  You'll never understand how much it meant to him.  He
teared up just talking about it.
He especially wanted to thank his Mommy for the time she spent with him
toward the end, when it was just the two of them, quiet together under
the blanket.  He wanted me to send his love to Muffy, too.
Well, I'm definitely going back for my wings.  Some of those bookcases
have full glasses of fruit punch perched on top!  You can knock them over
as you fly by and stain the white shag carpet the bookcases are sitting
on.  It's wild!
[Posted in FML issue 4311]