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Wed, 1 Oct 2003 17:14:45 EDT
Kelly Foran <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
I have a seven year old female, Molly who has been up and down for months
with her appetite.  I took her to the vet about two months ago and they
said she was dehydrated and had a large mass in her abdomen.  They said
be prepared and she may not make it through the weekend.
Well she did and for the most part has been doing fairly well.  She has
maintained her weight, but now will only eat babyfood and she won't eat
all day while I am at work.  She was eating kibble up until about two
weeks ago.  She used to hate babyfood but has acquired a taste for it
over the past several months.  She also gags sometimes when drinking
Knowledgeable vets are not around so I thought I would attempt once again
to get some input from the lists.  She runs and sometimes plays with her
ball, but does sleep most of the time.  She does not seem to be in any
pain and is not lethargic.  She is shedding.  Last week and today she had
diarrhea?  How much babyfood should she get daily?  She weighs 1lb 6oz.
We just had to put our almost 8 yr old Phoebe to sleep less than a month
ago and it was horrible.  I am not ready for another loss, but something
tells me she is not going to get any better than this.
Oh yeah she also scratches on the carpet after she eats and I think she
does it because she is uncomfortable.  Any suggestions?
[Posted in FML issue 4288]