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Mon, 8 Sep 2003 19:14:00 -0400
Florence Love <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
There is a sweet little (o.k.  not so little) dark sable boy who came up
on Thursday evening.  His Momma was having too hard of a time not crying
to write to you and ask you to greet him.
Where does a Momma being when her first chosen boy leaves too soon?
About 2 years ago, I was blessing to find the Ferret Business of GA
(already had two girls from the pet store).  Juliana knew I wanted a boy
so she had about six or more playing on the floor to see if any got along
with my two but no special interests or even problems.  But this 2 year
old sweet dark nosed boy kept coming up and playing with me.  What a
sweet boy!!!  Took him home and named him Paco 'my rolled Taco' because
he was so fat next to my tiny girls.  From the very beginning he was
cuddlier than the girls and he was great about finding the litter box.
Didn't have to train him, just always hit the box.  What an absolute joy
of a fuzzy.
He was our ambassador fuzzy, and loved to meet people and other fuzzies.
He was our alpha but was very low keyed about it, each fuzzy that came
in contact with him seemed to know it and Paco never pushed his weight
around.  But lately he was aggressive about other fuzzies coming into our
area which was our first sign for surgery.
He loved to be in our arms on his back getting back scratches, and then
would extend his back legs high in the air (as high as those little legs
could go!!) so that we could scratch the very back of his legs ... he was
a gluten for his leg scratches.  He loved his chicken gravy, ferritone,
and cranberry yogies.  Loved to tip over the water bowl and take it under
the bed.
I sure miss, him waking Steve up in the morning ... I clean their room
while all 6 fuzzies in the bedroom with Steve still in bed.  I would hear
my husband say 'Paco, quit that!!!!'  I'd laugh ... Paco had a favorite
time for his 'lick, lick, chomp'!  Steve doesn't wake up as easily
without his Paco to help him ....
Sandee, would you please tell Paco that I thought the Adrenal surgery
would give him a lot more years with us (like it was supposed it), and
not less?  Let him know that he took quite a big chunk of my heart with
him, and I'll always love him for being my sweetest boy.  He doesn't
really know anyone up there, so could you please help him find Poohbear's
(Patty's) Group so he can have some friend to play with.  (He might
remember Ferris by smell, but never up close because Ferris hated other
P.S.  Ginger (the cat), asked me to have you tell him that she doesn't
miss him one bit... no one has chased (dooking like the Jaws movie) her
red butt over the door barriers since he left.
[Posted in FML issue 4265]