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Sun, 7 Sep 2003 07:30:43 -0700
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi Princess Pepper, I tell you story.  Mommy think it funny, but it NOT!!
I was chasing kitty, gonna bite her fat butt.  I run really really fast,
she faster.  Anyway, we go zipping around corner and kitty turn and jump
over me.  I try to turn real fast but feet spin out and I go PLOP, right
in kitty water bowl.  Not just PLOP, but on my back, with all my little
Princess feet sticking up, flailing away.  Water all over me and floor.
Did mommy hurry to save a drowning Princess.  NO!  She laugh.  LAUGH,
like it was funny or somthin!!!  I had to turn over IN the bowl, so got
more wet.  The bruds come and watch.  They was laughin too.  Can you
believe it??  Like Princess in a soppin wet White Fur Coat is FUNNY !!  I
run and dry off on the carpet.  Took a long time too!  Water up my nose,
I had sneezies.  All the time everbudy just laugh.  That's not all, when
daddy get home, mommy HAD to tell story.  HE laugh too.  Then I heard her
on phone telling her friend.  Mommy laugh AGAIN.
I gonna come live with you.  I know YOUR mommy not laugh at a Princess
plop in water.  I bring sleepy sack you sent me.  I hope you win White
Russian Memorial Quilt.  We can snuggle in it.  Only 8 more days to get
tickets through PayPal.  I gotta tell all my friends.  Wait!!  NO, I tell
only you, that way you be sure to win.
Your friend
Princess Parris
[Posted in FML issue 4264]