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Thu, 4 Sep 2003 21:05:03 -0400
Roger Vaughn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Ferrets can do fine without their canines.  They tend to break them
easily, and many ferrets have had them extracted.  Just make sure that
your vet cleaned and sewed up the socket, or there is a risk of a hole
forming to his nasal cavity.  (And you're just asking for infections
with that!)
He will have to adjust to its loss, but he'll get used to it.  They don't
use the canines for chewing anyway, but those teeth do help hold their
lips in position.  He might bite his lips a little while adjusting.
Does he have any kind of ulceration in his mouth?  I would expect that
if he ran across some acid residue he would have a least a couple of
severely burned spots in there, especially on his tongue.  Has your vet
ruled out periodontal infections and diseases?  If that tooth had gone
bad and gotten infected, that might even be the *cause* of all of this.
An infected root has pretty much a direct connection to the bloodstream,
and so can turn real ugly real quick.
roger & the weezul
missing bear and lancelot
[Posted in FML issue 4261]