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Sun, 10 Aug 2003 15:19:38 +0100
Cris Page <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
It gets harder each day to sit here seeing the pain and sense of loss in
so many posts after yet another little one crosses the bridge.
A year on and I still remember sweet gentle Custard, who was torn away
from her first comfortable home at such a young age, each day, I see the
same pain I felt (and still feel) at the loss, and, big guy that I am, I
often shed a tear as I read both for the memory of my own loss, and for
the loss of a creature someone I have never met by a person I have never
met.  I was distraught at losing Custard, She carried with her a piece of
my heart to keep untill we meet again, as do all the pets I have had over
the years.
I would ask one thing though, hard as it may be at the time, please dont
close your heart to the thought of being owned by another fuzzy, that may
be even now waiting in a shelter longing for a home and human of his or
her own.  The have such short lives, The one positive thing that can come
out of any loss is that another precious soul finds a forever home where
they can feel secure and safe... and just "be a ferret" again.  I almost
took in a little one a while ago after her human died (I was contacted
thru an animal sanctuary locally) but happily she bonded with someone
there and they are now very content, but if it hadnt worked out, she
would have joined the Furkidz here.  She would not have been a
replacement for Custard, She would have been here in her own right as
her own self, unique and individual for however long I was to be blessed
with her company.
I know the shelters do a fantastic job, but I am sure, that to a
ferret.... nothing feels as good as your own home and your own human,
I am sure that every shelter owner agrees with that.
I know often the "no more" statement is made in deep grief, but there
are so many homeless fuzzies in need of the love that all of us on this
list have for these wonderful and unique miracles called "A Ferret", the
loss hurts, but time heals that loss, and somewhere out there , waiting,
longing, hoping,... your new baby is waiting patiently to go "home".
Please dont let them wait too long.
Im rambling... I will shut up now.  This isnt intended as a flame, just
as a reminder that although it hurts bad after the loss, something good
can come out of it if a homeless baby finds some "Forever love".
Our thoughts to those with lost or angelled furkidz
Cris (keeper of the furtone, brearer of the chukkie platter)
Unkie Lee (Closet ferretaholic)
Bubbles (Alpha and first ferret par excellence,)
Skweek  ( Kisser of faces, explorer of ears)
Rhoobarb (Duracell ferret with nerves of steel)
(Still missing Custard (cussieangelweezil) Dancing at the rainbow bridge)
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[Posted in FML issue 4236]