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Wed, 9 Jul 2003 08:37:15 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
Pherit here agan.  Mommy said I could rite a storie dhat my friend Judy
Cooke told me.  I call her Ms. Cookie cause she so sweet.  Did you know
dhat she is still collecting money for dat ADV thingy.  Well she is.  So,
if you didn't send your money you still can.  I promise, she take good
care of it too.
She got little ferrets too and she had a funni storie about dhem.  It
not as good as mine though!  I want to warn da ferrets though, it iz
kinda scary so grab a buddy and a sox.  Here it iz:
It was a simple post-it note.  Somehow it got knocked off the desk and
lay innocently on the floor.  I meant to pick it up-really, I did!  And
had I known the commotion it caused...I would have picked it up!  I
swear I would have!  NOT!!  The yellow post-it note lay silently on the
floor-bothering no one-then along comes Einstein!  He got one of those
ferrety itches...the kind that has to be scratched hard and fast!  In the
middle of the blissful scratch... he rolled over onto the post-it!  It
stuck!  He didn't seem to notice and since the itch had been satisfied,
he started across the room to see what Tyson was doing!  What happened
next happened so fast...Hope saw this stranger attacking her buddy and
with a bottlebrush tail (bigger than her own body), she takes a flying
leap at Einstein in an attempt to free him from the clutches of the evil
yellow beast!  Einstein-not having a clue what Hope is doing-rolls around
with her, thinking it's a game!  Somewhere in the midst of the roll, the
post-it detaches from Einy and sticks to Hope!  I have never heard Hope
cluck and dook so loudly...or seen her jump so wildly!  She was being
devoured by the evil yellow beast and couldn't escape!!!  Along comes
Tyson...I'm sure drawn in by the fracas!  If someone is bothering his
little girl-they'd better be running cause Tyson don't take no guff off
no one!  More rolling and jumping and dooking occurred and the next thing
I knew....the yellow post-it had stuck to Tyson!!  By this time I was
reduced to tears!  This went on another 10 minutes or so as they each
took turns wearing the post-it!  Finally exhausted, and the yellow beast
defeated, all three headed for the water bowl..then the hammock!  The
best part of this happened the next day when I told my daughter what had
happened and to show her...I stuck a post-it on Hope!  She turned
around.... looked at it...and knocked it off and went on her merry way!
My daughter said, "Sure, Mom...whatever!" Guess ya had to be there the
first time!
Judy Cooke Tyson, Hope, and Einstein "The world is made up for the most
part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their
own opinions, never doubting anything." Clarence Darrow [Posted in FML
issue 3265]
Funni wasn'd it?  But u cee... Ms. Cookie doesn't realize dhat they had
already killed da yellow beast.  Sow when she put da other yellow beast
on poor Hope ta just make her self laugh again Hope had ta show her mommy
dhat it wasn't funny da first time... But don't you worry Ms. Cookie,
Hope will get you bak when you knot lookin.
Ok... Now I see dhat make storie number...3?  I cee dhat da total so far
iz $794!  So I got 4 more stories ta rite.  But don't you worry none cauz
I keep writin.  and if mommy letz me I even rite after dhat for important
dhings.  Oh oh...maybe I get my OWN email address.  Dhen I be popular
like Lily, Stitch, Dippy and Parriss.  Dhat be cool.
Momma said I gettin a big head but I no cee it.  My head no look
different.  She just jealous.
Now, send more money for the ADV Research thingy and I keep on writin!
Dhat ADV research is just so important.  Without it we could all get sick
and go away.  I no wanna go away.  Dhere are so many of us kids out dhere
dhat are sick with ADV and some don't even know it.  Dhis research will
help us kids, even da wons dhat arent sick yet.
I really wanna help Ms. Cookie get to dhat 1000 dhat she talkin about.
Can you send her 1 ?  or 2 ?  I know dhat if you all had a tree in your
dhat grew money like dhat storie dhen I know you all send a bunch.  But i
hear hoomans say dhat every dollor counts.
Judy Cooke  (Ms. Cookie)
851 Burnt Pond Road
Ostrander, Oh  43061
Make checks payable to 'University Foundation'.
You can check dhis site out ta watch the money grow.
[Posted in FML issue 4204]