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Mon, 7 Jul 2003 22:30:47 -0500
"Church, Robert Ray (UMC-Student)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
An important characteristic of intelligence is memory; that is, the
ability to remember events and locations over a long-term period.  Part
of the reason ferrets have such high scores in learning-set exercises is
due to the ferret's memory.  This makes evolutionary sense; polecats who
remember where the frogs hide or the hamsters burrow will do better in
the long run than those that have to hunt for them each time the go
looking for food.  Most carnivores have exceptional memories, but because
ferrets are mustelids, and members of the Mustelidae tend to specialize
in hunting patterns that emphasize searching rather than stalking or
chasing, having a good memory is vital to the success of the species.
Using memory enrichments to improve a ferret's condition is easy, but it
requires daily enrichment at first, followed by weekly and then monthly
reinforcement.  Some of the enrichments already described require the use
of memory, such as placing a treat under one of a number of cups.  The
difference is, in the learning-set enrichments, the ferret remembers HOW
to find the solution, but in memory enrichments, they remember WHERE to
find a treat or obtain a goal.  In other words, you WANT to make the
enrichment take place at the same place, in the same way each time.  You
are enriching MEMORY!
1. My Cup Runs Over: using magic markers, paint a black design on a
white paper cup.  Place the cup randomly within the playroom, along with
a few undecorated ones.  If a ferret tips the decorated one over, place
them on a table and give them a treat.  It will not take long for them to
associate tipping the cup to being specially treated, and not placing the
treat inside the cup insures the association is by memory, not scent.
2. The Outside Stinks: buy an inexpensive perfume you would NEVER
otherwise wear.  Walk through the ferret playroom, and perfume the air.
Immediately, take the ferrets outside for a walk.  Each time you are
taking the ferrets outside for a walk, perfume the air with the scent.
Soon, they will associate outdoor fun with the scent.
3. Remember When?: take monthly visits to someplace special, such as
a room not normally open to the ferrets, or a garden on in the normal
outdoor experience.  They will remember objects and activities once
they visit it enough.
4. Toy Story: find a fun activity, such as tunneling in a child's pool
full of dirt, and snake a long tube (black sewer pipe is wonderful) to
the isolated location.  Randomly change activities for each individual
enrichment, but keep the pipe as the entrance portal.  The ferrets will
never know what they are getting into, but they will remember the pipe
is the way to get there.
5. For Old Acquaintances: if an owner is going to be gone for some time,
place one of their old sweaty undershirts into a couple of ziplock bags
and store them in the freezer.  Once a week or so, thaw it out and let
the ferret experience the smell and memories of the missing owner.  This
is also effective for a departed ferret; just save the old bedding or
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 4202]