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Thu, 3 Jul 2003 12:05:48 -0700
Peri Craig <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Well, the little guy went in to have a LARGE mast cell tumor (probably
the reason the owners dumped him, since no one's responded to the "lost
ferret" ads) removed the day before yesterday.  By last night, calling
the AAWL president to report on the critical 1st 24 hours, I was pleased
to report the following:
Were it not for the shaved patch and the staples, I'd swear all they did
was give him mega vitamins!
He's doing great!  Eating, drinking, pooing (a little ECE yet, but
shedding quickly) & VERY much wanting to play!  More affectionate than
ever, too.  My husband ... tolerant but not at all a ferret person, has
fallen totally in love with the little guy, named "Tinker" before going
in for surgery (`cause you've GOT to have a real name before something
like THAT ... and that's the first thing that popped to mind as I held
him up and we gazed at each other ... that and "Jasper" ... but Jasper
just isn't as cute.
So ... he is getting (at my expense, not AAWL's) ADV tested BEFORE I tell
AAWL that we want to adopt him.  NO WAY am I exposing Da Mukster or Mr.
Jelly Roll to problems!
MUST give massive thanks to Dr. Bruce Williams who took time out from a
very busy schedule to listen to his messages andr teturn my call about
ECE the other day.  Turns out Tinker most likely does have it (from neon
green to bird-seedy to gold-goo), but is recovering VERY quickly and Muki
& Jelly aren't in a hi-risk group.
Thank you Dr. Bruce!  To me you're not a DVM, you're GVM (GOD of
Veterinary Medicine!).
I'll keep y'all updated!
[Posted in FML issue 4198]