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Fri, 20 Jun 2003 16:10:49 -0700
Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
I am hoping I can use the stress of worrying about and caring for my
ferrets as an excuse for my recent screw-ups.  I know I have been
'unfocused' the last couple of weeks and I know the last few days have
been really bad!  Since I wanted to have both Tyson and Einstein's
adrenal surgeries done on the same day, I had to schedule it three weeks
in advance.  That meant 21 days of waiting and worrying!  Then when
Einstein had some bleeding right after the surgery and I ended up being
at the vet office from 8:30am until a little after 5pm, things went down
hill from there!  Einstein got better, but that evening Tyson crashed.  I
thought I might lose him, but we made it through the night and got back
to the vet.  It has been a rough couple of days!
What braincells that are left after some serious sleep-deprivation,
aren't working properly.  I can prove this by the Peanut Butter Sandwich
I fixed myself.  Having not eaten much over the last several days, I was
feeling weak, and even though nothing sounded good, I knew I had to eat!
It was bad enough that Tyson wasn't eating...I knew I needed my strength.
I decided to fix a sandwich.  Got the peanut butter from the cupboard and
the jelly from the fridge and proceeded to make a sandwich.  It wasn't
until after much spitting, gagging, choking and coughing that I realized
I had grabbed the MAYO instead of the jelly.  See....proof-positive I am
not functioning up to my normal standards!
So....to Mike or Mark (whichever you are), I do apologize for not getting
your name correct on the Fathers Day cards.  But it really doesn't matter
what your name is.....we appreciate you for what you do for the ferrets!
In my book, you are one good 'JOE'!!
And to Alicia...sorry about the anniversary mix up.  I went back and
reread the message and thought to myself, what the heck is she talking
about?  It is too her anniversary!" Then I read it again and realized I
really read the whole thing wrong!  I apologize!  Buy hey.....why waste
a perfectly good night, you may as well go ahead and......celebrate!
I am taking the rest of the weekend off!  I can't risk making a mistake
that could adversely effect either the IFC or SOS.  So....if you are
expecting to hear from me either about Table Topics, travel plans or any
thing else regarding the symposium-I'll be in touch next week.  Symposium
Tees should be ready next week, too!  Details about the FML Calendar
contest are coming....next week!  I promise!  I had planned to get the
ADV Card Exchange list out this weekend....but I'm not going to touch
that until after I catch up on some sleep!  It's one thing to gag on a
gross sandwich and quite another to screw something this important up!
So....if I owe you a response about anything....you may want to resend
the original message...just in case.  But don't expect an answer right
away.  No business for the next couple days!!  If, however, you have
something to make me laugh or that I will enjoy....a good ferret story,
pictures of neked men....stuff like that, please go ahead and send them!
LOL!  This is a 'rest and relax' kind of weekend!  I promise I will be
back to normal soon!
Thank you to everyone for their patience and prayers over the last couple
of days!  I know Tyson and Einstein both appreciate and it's helped me a
great deal, too!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope and Einstein
Precious Lily, Chaucer and Boomer!
[Posted in FML issue 4185]