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Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:17:03 EDT
Nikki virgin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi all,
thanks for thoose that gave me information on insulnomia.  Moki is on
pred.  1 cc 2x a day.  the vet is exceptionally happy with his progress.
Moki is even fighting me giving him his medicine!!!!  Sounds silly to be
excited about that but he is feisty with things like that.  My husband
is a bit dismayed with the cost of Moki's vet bills.
How often does a ferret with this need to see the vet if he remains
symptomless??  I forgot to ask the vet that.  I know different vets say
different things.  Mine treats ferrets and has quiet a number of them but
doesn't specialize in them.  He knows one of the local vets that does
very well and conferances with him/sends hard cases to him.
Moki is my special fuzzy.  Even if he is not the cuddlebug type.  He is
the class clown and I would miss him terribly.
Moki needs to go camping with us.  can any of the experienced travelers
with fuzzies give me the tips and pointers of what I may not realize?
thanks bunches, NIKKI and MOki( with fuzzie siblings widget,slinky and
[Posted in FML issue 4181]