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Sat, 14 Jun 2003 04:33:04 -0700
Big Dave from the Enclave <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Okay thought I'd chime in on this as I'm hoping to make a career out of
being an animal tech working with lab animals.
First healthy, stable strains are what any lab is looking for, the
illness is often encouraged or even induced in a healthy animal.  Not
all testing is for human benefit, all those neat little vaccines that
keep our critters alive were tested on other little critters.  There is
a one to one ratio of life to death in all animals.  Marshall Farms
ferrets die just like Path Valley's or any one elses.  Marshall Farms
has been the target of radical so called "animal rights" groups such as
PETA and ALF.  And there name has been tarnished by a slure campaign.
Certain animals are bred for certain illnesses, say pediatric AIDS or
Juvenile Diabetes.  The researchers are looking for genetic traits in an
animal that will make it suitable to specfic research.  We don't always
know if what works in a rat or ferret will work in a person or horse or
you name it, that is why it's experimentation.  I myself have a real
distaste for testing not related to essential medications or treatments.
Testing of cosmetics, hair spray and vanity products as a whole seems to
be just that, vanity.
One thing that has struck me over the years, there seems to be such a
distaste for animal research until a loved one falls ill with Breast
Cancer, Shingles, AIDS, etc, etc.  Then we demand treatment to save our
loved ones or our own lives, these advancements in treatment comes at
the cost of animals suffering.  Love your pets and thank What ever you
believe is a/the Higher Power for the sacrifice of animals on your
I tried not to be to controversial but when it comes to animal research
there is no getting away from enflamed passions.
[Posted in FML issue 4179]