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Sat, 9 Aug 2003 00:08:49 -0400
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Six weeks ago I was owned by 6 ferts--- tonight there are only three.
First Angel who died in June post op adrenal sx due to a blood clot.
Then Spice who died last week due to a bladder cyst/tumor.
Today my Sapp went to the bridge due to adrenal with other complications -
he couldn't walk very well for months but was holding his own on Lupron.
Tonight I found him screaming and having seizures non stop - I could not
let this go on... Sapp was a big guy and a very mellow ferret all his
life - he left a large hole in my heart and is missed very much.
Three ferts gone in 6 weeks is about more than I can bear - I am afraid
to get up each morning and look in the cage - is everyone OK?
On the plus side, I guess, with each loss of a fert I hug those remaining
even tighter.
Hug your fuzzies tonite - you never know how long they will be with you.
Linda Z. with Nipper, Jo-Jo & Buckie
[Posted in FML issue 4234]