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Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:23:05 -0400
Natalie Cornish <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
>From:    Claflin <[log in to unmask]>
>How can we keep the ferret shavings (bedding) from getting all over the
>floor?  They always make such a mess with it and we have yet to figure
>out a way to keep the floor clean around their cage.  Thanks!
We have not yet found an excellent way to keep shavings off the floor.
Luckily, they now have a linolium floor, so it's not so bad, but when we
had carpet it was a mess.  What we did then was cut a strip of cardboard
box about 6-8 inches tall and the length of at least three sides of the
cage, then wedge it in between the base of the cage and the bars.  You
can also twisty tie it on.  It's not pretty, but it works.  I suppose any
sort of flexible material would do.  Linolium might be a prettier idea,
and more flexible.
Another idea is to get a four-sided cat litter box and use that instead
of the traditional three sided pan.  Get the kind with really high sides,
and if you need to, you can cut down the opening on one side so it's
easier for them to get into it.  The high sides make flinging the poo and
litter out of the litter box much harder.  If you really wanted to make
an investment, they make cages with very high sides on the bases now, and
that might work well for you too.
Natalie and the furry snakes (Lyssa, Katie, Joey and Max)
[Posted in FML issue 4176]