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Wed, 4 Jun 2003 08:33:58 EDT
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>i would like to ask what SHELTER policies are on surgeries...
>***whether it is "whoever needs it most gets it first, regardless of
>***or "the adoptables get it first...then if there are funds...the
>***or "the adoptables get surgery...the unadoptables do not...they
>possibly make due with temp. medications"...
>what about the fosters?...are they considered in the equation...i know
>they should be...isn't that what foster means?..the shelter covers the
Speaking for my shelter, The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea" our policy is
simple: Any ferret needing surgery that is a candidate gets it.  period.
Adoptable or not, if they need it, they get it.
In times where we have multiple ferrets requiring surgery, we (thats me
and the 4 board members) decide based on need which ferret will have
surgery first.  For instance male adrenal ferrets are always done before
females because of the possible prostate problem.  Emergency cases or
those with critical need obviously get done first.
On the few occasions we did foster (and what a disaster that was) we
would pay for surgeries or medications that the ferret was on before
fostering..but should the ferret have a blockage (yes that happened -
swallowed a piece of rubber!) we would not pay for the surgery.  We would
pay for adrenal/insulinoma surgeries - but only if they used our vet.
We make our decisions on whether or not to due surgery based on blood
chemistry panels, overall ferret health and recommendations by our vet.
If my vet tells me not to do a surgery but to try and medically control
the problem, that is what we do.
Finally - the one thing that we don't use as a consideration is what the
surgery is going to cost.  Thankfully in the last couple of years, our
support from the ferret community has been enough to where we didn't have
to say "Well we only have $300 and 4 ferrets need surgery - so who waits
and who doesn't?" That has taken us a lot of work to do - ebay, shows and
events, adoptions, etc.
So far (crossing fingers!) when we have had ferrets needing surgery
come into the shelter, we have been able to get them done.  I know I can
name a couple of months already this year when we have done 4 adrenal
surgeries, a couple of teeth extractions and cleanings, insulinoma
surgery, chordoma surgery, etc and the monthly cost for surgeries was
over $1,200..but it also again goes back to the fact that we have a
budget set with firm goals for what we think we will need in the next
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Posted in FML issue 4169]