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Wed, 4 Jun 2003 19:01:03 -0500
Diane Iverson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
It turns out that Barry, the gentleman looking for *used* ferret litter
is about 35-40 miles from me.  LOL....No, I didn't offer to send him some
samples.......I told him to go to the PetCo in Oshkosh and ask them if
they would bag up the used litter.......and as it turns out, he works in
a Target, right across the street......small world, yes???
His idea isn't as bizarre as you might think.  When we built our house in
a wooded area, we had trouble with chipmunks digging close to the house
for the first couple years.....blood meal didn't stop them....or any of
the other repellants you can buy on the market.  In desperation, I
started filling the holes with *used* kitty litter (I didn't have ferrets
then)....and to my surprise, it worked.  They wouldn't re-dig the holes
(Ick, I wouldn't either)...but moved on.
Need a tip for keeping rabbits from eating your veggies to the ground????
I know it sounds silly, but I did it for years, and it works.  Get 5
glass gallon jars (ask a restaurant or deli to save their large jars for
you.  They have to be glass.) Fill each one with water, and place one at
each corner of your garden plot, and one in the center.  I don't know why
it works......an old gentleman acquaintance suggested they see a
distorted reflection, and it scares them.....guess that's as valid as any
other reason.....
Deer eating your fruit trees???  Save some of those net onion bags, and
ask your barber to save the hair he cuts for a day or 2......hanging
small bags of the hair on the lower limbs of your trees will keep the
deer from feasting......
Diane I.
[Posted in FML issue 4169]