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Sun, 13 Apr 2003 05:28:30 EDT
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It seems like ferret proofing is never done.....there is always something
new for them to get into....or ferret math strikes and a new ferret can
get somewhere the other ferrets never tried.
Well, we just acquired Pumpkin not too long ago, and she managed to get
under the stove, so hubby had to lower it.  That seemed to be it for
her, and Amber and Joshie gave up trying to get everywhere else we
ferret-proofed.....until last week.  We have those plastic locks on all
our cabinet doors.  Well, what we hadn't realized is after a while of
using them, they stretch a bit, and a little ferret paw can get behind
the door.  Hubby and I were on the couch watching a movie and having
our feet attacked by Pumpkin, when all of a sudden we heard this
bloodcurdling scream coming from the bathroom.  Tim ran in there to
find a good-sized pool of blood with little Amber ferret standing in the
middle of it with her paw up.  She somehow caught her toenail in the door
and ripped the whole thing out.  Poor baby was so scared!  She bled for a
bit and wasn't overly keen on me putting pressure on her little toe, and
she limped pitifully for a day or two, but she seems fine now.  Gonna
take a while for that nail to grow back, and she is having none of me
trying to clip the rest of her nails right now.
Anyway, the point of my story is never get too comfortable with your
ferret-proofing, because sometimes that isn't even enough.  Also, Tim
and I learned the importance of checking for wear and tear on things
already ferret-proofed.  Keeping your babies safe is a full time job.
Kelly White
Southampton, MA
[Posted in FML issue 4117]