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Sat, 19 Jul 2003 13:45:24 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Weird, I wasn't tired and rushed yesterday, was I?  How did I EVER wind
up accidentally pasting in the note I was sending to the few people on
the FHL pending list as part of an actual FML post?  I apologize for
doing that.  Weird, weird, weird -- cue Outter Limits music tract.  Now
I have to figure out if I meant to paste something else in and erred
on a copy and paste... YES!  That is exactly what happened.  There were
apparently supposed to be insulinoma things that I was cutting and
pasting but instead I had the pending addies note on my clip board.
[Moderator's note: It sure confused the heck out of me, but there was
no time to contact you and the material was otherwise harmless.  BIG]
So, here are some places to find insulinoma info (being general because I
can't recall if the person to whom I was responding had noted something
specific to which I originally was going to send a specific pointer).  In
http://www.ferretcongress.org you will find the critical refs section;
that has a LOT of truly wonderful links and multiple sites have pieces by
vets on insulinoma.  The past posts at http://fhl.sonic-weasel.org are a
real treasure trove of information so be sure to use those, too.
Oh, do NOT let that note I accidentally put in the FML confuse you.
It was going out to a specific set of around 20 addresses only, most
of which turned out to be defunct addresses.  It does NOT affect the
general FHL membership and was just a moderation clean-up chore.
Sure do wonder what I meant to actually paste in for the person with
insulinoma in a ferret...
I think maybe I've been doing a bit too much the last few days trying
to catch up with what couldn't be done while Chiclet was sick, getting
Whizbang oriented (Ashling was freaking while looking for Chiclet so an
8 week old albino girl has joined us.), and having been presented with
some new work I have to get done.
[Posted in FML issue 4214]