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Fri, 18 Jul 2003 15:32:23 -0400
dana marsh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Ya know i have received many e-mails in personal; mail about my feeding
mice to my ferret.  Im gonna clear the air....My opinion counts just as
much as anyones (Susan).  If i choose to give my ferret a mouse once
amonth, and breeding my own mice thats my choice.  I adopted this ferret
and he deffinatly has the instinct to want to kill prey.  I also am the
owner of a prarie dog, and have previously owned g.pigs.  Since i have
been feeding Cass one mouse a month he has become less and less
interested in my prarie dog.
I think it is you that need to get your facts straight, and face the
ultimate fact that ferrets are carnivores.  Another question to the
bashers of my post out there, what in the world do you think is in Duck
soup?  hmmmmmm, lets think about this for a while, how about that KFC you
ate the other night, or the steak, or even pork or chicken?  If you think
these things are humanely slaughtered you are the ones that do not have
your facts straight.
If i was doing this for sport, dont you think i would pick something a
little bit bigger for him ?  You people act as if i am some animal that
thrives on this.  So, Susan, if you wanna have a battle over who knows
what, you really need to act your age, and check YOUR facts and listen
to other peoples opinions, instead of trying to change others.  There
are people on this list that agree with me, and others that have another
opinion, I think you did better keeping your slams to yourself, and your
lack of knowledge.
[Posted in FML issue 4213]