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Wed, 21 May 2003 18:26:24 -0400
Ferret Wise Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (93 lines)
Hi friends!  Have you missed me?
It's your ol buddy Jerimiah and I know it has been a while the folkses
have been scramblin' a whole lot around here-- but before I go too far I
surely wants to say thanks to the nice 3 persons who sent our Mom cards
for Mothers day form us kids!  She has no idea how we told folks we
wanted her to have one and she was so happy!  She even got a small smelly
nice that she keeps in the van - we get to sniff it if we go to the vets!
Now the place seems so quiet lately- we get lots and lots more time to
play because LOTS of kids are off at brand new homes.  Everyone is doing
really really great.  Patch did not like the warm day yesterday- his new
Daddy called this AM to ask about his poops-- it got hot yesterday really
for the first time since all the snow was here!
SO: Patch, Cappuchino, Creme Brule, Peanut, Spats all got brands new
homes, and just a short tie after Red & Pixie did.  Red ( now called
Zack) is still a tad skittish about his new home- but his momma loves him
just the same.  Pixie is taking over the show there and gets along with
other ferrets just fine!
Some of the adopted kids met their folks at open house the others the day
after!  Wow the little gal Flower is still here-- she came in lost and
still is NOBODY ever called to find her :( Mom has her vaccinations all
done up in case the special folk might arrive to love her.  She is a
lonely gal and like Disney seems to be afraid of other ferrets.  Curly
gets scolded cuz she is always making her squeak.  Flower hides in the
clear tube whenever Curly is out!
We got some ( well Mom got it in the mail and on the phone) really sad
news that a few more of the FerretWise kids went to see Bear at Rainbow
Bridge- little tiny Midnight (aka Minnie) the old tiny gal who arrived
at 7plus years still a breeder gal-- and Gregg a burly but emotional boy
who was a dumpster kid in NJ.  They both left a few days ago from their
respective homes and their folks miss them lots.
I hear Moms is hoping to have the elementary coloring book finished by
Fall - then she will take me or Harry to classes for ferret days!  I
think this will be grand.  Can you just see me in front of all those
kids sportin' my big round chocolate spot? :)
And the best news is Yours truly is o the new Ferrestock tee design which
our friend Kristin Jacques drew up!  yes sirree - well, Mom said it was
not me - BUT I KNOW it is!  All in my 50's attire- black MC jacket and
slick back hair do!  Wait til you see it.  It should be here any day and
Mom will put it on the web site for folks who might want to have one of
their own!
So far a nice collapsible cage in box- Brand New - has been donated for
this years Big Extravaganza Ferretstock IV!  I get to go so I REALLY
REALLY hope you can join us!  I wanta say THANKS to Jennifer for sending
us some goodies too- she is Curly's Foster parent this month and she sent
a box with 8 in 1 and some treats to share- along with a couple of things
for Curly!  We sure do appreciate you Jenn!  There is also some really
neat ebay ferret gift tags which Jennifer made for the vet program here--
stop by and check them out at :
Some of these neat pics were in the last newsletter.  Jennifer is sure
A big thanks to Meredith- our friend who will help run Ferretstock Games!
She sent a box up with several bottles of childrens' benedryl ( oh GREAT
more shots) for shelter Mom to have on hand!  What a nice gal- she read
the needed items on the blackboard- next time I should erase that!
By the way- We are looking for folks who might want to help with our
Ferretstock IV September 6th event - or donate a prize or auction item-
please feel free to drop me an email anytime!  All new music and games
promise to make things real peppy!  It is hoped the 2nd ADV quilt panel
will be on display here-- Shelter Mom has been sewing squares for ferrets
in her spare time!  Beats refurbishing the old hammies huh?  There is
some neat new design Hammies on ebay too this week If you get the
hankerin' to browse over the holiday jest go to:
ANd there are still a lot of tickets left for the 2003 quilt - exactly
170 of em if you were hoping to be the winner this year!  We got the A/c
in the shelter room so we can stay comfy- thanks to our shelter Dad for
that!  And it will help with visitors who are scheduled in on the
Holiday-- several folks want to meet the old gal Flower- and see the
shelter too!  That means maybe I will get a chance to say hi and maybe
even show off.
Well got to run-- I have to mess up the cage Mom made it too pretty and
clean today!
hugs to you-
your friend Jerimiah!
mascot, Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4155]